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Writer's pictureTerrie Hoffman

The Well-Read Student

Students who read well are very different from students who are well-read. Students who read well can zip through a story understanding the surface details and little more. Students who are well-read understand the dynamics and deeper meaning of the story. They can articulate what the author is trying to say. Students who read well, know the words, but well-read students know the meaning. At Nova Education, we believe that students should be well-read.

Reading two or three levels above grade level does not equate to understanding. Nor does it mean that the student is ready for next-level work. Think of it this way, just because a toddler is an early talker doesn’t mean they ready for kindergarten. Just because a third-grader can read a seventh-grade novel doesn’t mean that they supernaturally possess the ability to understand or express the deeper meaning of the text and connect that information to the world. Quite frankly, it’s good to be careful about what your children are reading.

At Nova Education, we are committed to exposing students to a variety of genres -- not just fantasy. Fantasy is great -- J.R.R. Tolkien’s, The Hobbit is a fantastic read, as is J.K. Rolling’s Harry Potter series and others, of course. However, not all fantasy is created equally, and an exclusive diet of fantasy can numb students to reality. As students advance into high school honors literature classes, they should be prepared to analyze the relationship between the protagonist and antagonist, not reject them because they are confined to planet earth. You get the point. At Nova Education, we strengthen reading skills. We love all genres and read to understand people from around the world and over time. We want to give your students the opportunity to explore and learn. Come read with us. Sign-up today at

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